Tuckshop is operated on one day each week for both breaks. Families will be asked to place their name on the voluntary work roster which is sent home at the beginning of each term.
Tuckshop menu, rosters and date of commencement will be sent home with the school newsletter at the beginning of each term.
Our tuckshop uses a brown paper bag system. Orders for each break must be written on a separate bag. Money is to be placed in the bag. Baskets are provided in each classroom for students to place their orders. These are then collected before school commences and returned to the classroom at breaks.
Tuckshop sign-on
Please ensure you sign the 'Visitors to School' register in the office before you commence work in the tuckshop. This is a Fire & Safety requirement of Education Queensland (EQ).
Healthy food and drink
Schools have an important role in promoting healthy eating and physical activity to students and providing an environment that supports a healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet can improve behaviours critical to educational success.
We encourage all Parents / Caregivers to support the school healthy eating philosophy by sending appropriate food for, lunch and afternoon tea.
The school operates under the 'Healthy Food and Drink Supply Strategy for Qld. Schools' –Smart Choices.
Our tuckshop is an important part of the school environment as they model healthy food and drink choices that are tasty and interesting.
The Smart Choices strategy outlines, foods and drinks and they have been classified into three categories according to their nutritional value: GREEN, AMBER and RED.
GREEN “Have plenty” - foods and drinks should be encouraged and promoted,
AMBER “Select carefully” - foods and drinks should be selected carefully
RED “Occasional” foods and drinks should be limited in their supply across the whole school environment.